Here are the release notes for EZWxBrief version 1.1.0. There's nothing to download, just close and restart the progressive web app (PWA) on your device and you'll have the latest release at your fingertips. Here are the changes implemented in this release...
Fixed an issue that caused default favorite folders to be restored when last folder in the EZWxBrief root folder was deleted
Fixed an alignment of buttons issue when renaming favorites on the EZAirport Meteogram view
Non-airport waypoints in the EZRoute Profile now will visit the nearest airport instead of providing an empty view.
Now all airports visited from the EZRoute Profile will only return the nearest public-owned airports instead of the nearest that often may be a privately-owned airport
Realigned the SPC EZImagery collection to better facilitate usability
Suspended the Gridded LAMP forecasts in the EZImagery due to NWS server issues obtaining the static imagery
Minor updates and additions to the Pilots Guide
Other minor bug fixes and performance enhancements
Enjoy the simplicity of EZWxBrief!
Your EZWxBrief support team