Here are the release notes for EZWxBrief version 1.0.6. There's nothing to download, just close and restart the progressive web app on your device and you'll have the latest release at your fingertips. Here are the changes implemented in this release...
When the Home button is pressed on the EZAirport page when viewing the METARs or TAFs it will now load the data for the Home airport
Fixed a bug that wasn't allowing the selection of the Max Alt of 250 on the meteogram
Now allow EZDeparture Advisor pop up info window to be moved
Extinguish tool tip on Meteogram when scrolled vertically
Fixed a bug that was causing surface observations (METARs) on the EZMap not to display just after the top of the hour for a majority of airports
Added cents to the membership renewal email purchase confirmation
Minor changes to the legends to make them more legible
Minor updates and additions to the Pilots Guide
Other minor bug fixes and performance enhancements
Enjoy the simplicity of EZWxBrief!
Your EZWxBrief support team