Online Training
Private 1-on-1 expert aviation weather training

Through the magic and bandwidth of high-speed Internet and the newest web-conferencing software, live online expert weather training can now be part of your formal education process. Web-conferencing software using Google Meet™ enables a peer-to-peer or many-to-many medium for formal training tailored specifically for you. This includes, but is not limited to, reviewing the weather for a proposed route you are planning to fly today, tomorrow or even several days from now (must be scheduled at least 6 hours in advance of your flight).*
The typical private or tailored online session may consist of a PowerPoint™ presentation with the ability to share the presenter or participant’s desktop applications including an Internet browser and the EZWxBrief progressive web app. Desktop or screen sharing enables the presenter to surf the Internet in real time while the participant follows along as if the participant is looking over the presenter’s shoulder in the same room. Audio is accomplished via a telephone conference or using voice over IP (VoIP) via the Internet (a headset is strongly recommended).
Each online session personally taught by Dr. Scott Dennstaedt, can be purchased at 30-minute or 60-minute lengths and can cover many aviation weather topics designed to pick up where your primary training left off. Topics include, but are not limited to, examining the weather along a proposed route of flight. While we are not your official briefer, we can provide you the skills to improve your route-based preflight weather analysis. If you want to do more than a single session, consider purchasing one of our five session subscription plans to save money.
*EZWxBrief is the tool used for training to brief a proposed route.
Online Training Availability
Monday thru Friday 9 am to 5 pm eastern time.
At this time there is no availability during weekends, evenings & holidays. Blackout times may occur during aviation events (e.g., AirVenture).